The four-winged angel is Anjrose, it is the fourth of eight forms the main protagonists take over the course of my fanfiction Avatar story, Avatar: Astral Justice. The two main protagonists, a female, Astral, and male, Justice, combine to make it. Justice represents Justice, and Astral represents truth, the story is about Justice evolving into true justice and overcoming the chaos of biology.
The planetary mechs are Mars and Mercury which have been transformed into colossal machines.
Taking place after The Legend of Korra in a future where they have engineered into machines the ability to bend. Machines called, Cyborg Benders or Cybenders, are part biological and part machine. Cybenders can take on the forms of tanks, jets, humanoids, giant robots, an ever-evolving number of forms.
There are two main antagonists in the story: Culnivores and Culnivore Doppels. Culnivores are metaphors for carnivorous, predatory culture. Culture is the memory of the mind; our minds are a bit like computers, and culture is the memories contained in our storage.
Though, unlike most computers, we can use our memories to emotionally and symbolically perceive our environment, and even build theories, like Einstein, which revolutionize our culture and the perception it grants us of our environment. Cultural memory is created over thousands of years and can empower our minds with true memories, true perspectives, true predictions, and healthy decisions, or culture can disempower our minds with false memories, false perspectives, false predictions, and unhealthy decisions.
Culnivores metaphor predatory culture, which includes predatory emotional and belief perspectives. Commonly understood as the deadly sins, like Greed and Wrath, but more academically understood as cultural, social, and mental maladaptations that cause dysfunction in society. Culnivores are Cultural Memory Maladaptations because they were once adaptations of biological life. Greed, lust, domination, predation are what reproduce, adaptations of biological life that are now existentially maladaptive culture in high tech society. Sin is an adaptation of biological life that is maladaptive to human society, and Culnivores metaphor these maladaptations.
Made by the Culnivores, Doppels are doppelganger clones of the former world leaders and high-ranking officials who are used to take over humanity and the Solar System. Their Doppel clones divide from them in their sleep and unrecognizably change the appearance of the leaders, the Doppels then secretly imprison the former leaders. All the power the Culnivores granted their former hosts are used to power secret weapon systems. The deposed leaders are eventually rescued by and become followers of Astral and Justice.
Book II: StarbenderFinal Chapter: Reclamation Decimation Loop
Astral is attached to the back of Justice, her arms and legs transformed into four wings, while her hair forms a wispy hair-like golden glowing cape. There are two forms Anjrose takes. The other is a more defensive form where Astral becomes humanoid while Justice turns into armor that coats her. She, his wings, and he, her armor.
Astral and Justice are no longer biological life forms, rather, their composition is primarily bio-nano-bending machines, called nanobiobots. Microscopic machines the size of biological cells, which are fused with the Biological Cells of Astral and Justice. These machines can replicate indefinitely, thereby granting Anjrose continuous regeneration. They can also transition from solid to liquid to gas, or any state of matter transformation, and can configure themselves into any form.
Anjrose is being finally fitted, calibrated, and inspected by Stellara Mechana before deployment to the Planetary System of Earth, the Solar System, millions of galaxies away on the other side of the Universe.
Stellara Mechana is the planetary system (planets revolving around a Star like our Solar System) which uses a wormhole inside of Anjrose’s chest to supply Anjrose with nanobiobots, energy, processing power, and autonomous control of most onboard processes. Stellara Mechana also stores their weapon systems that are wormholed onto the battlefield by Anjrose’s Wormhole Halo, which is black and full of stars with a bright golden aura around it.
Stellara Mechana can scarcely be called a planetary system since arranging itself into a colossal machine which optimally harvests all the energy of the planets and Star for processing and powering Anjrose. Though the size of two humanoids, Anjrose is actually the size of a whole Planetary System when considering Stellara Mechana which is powering them through wormholes.
The shards floating around their head start rotating and revolving. They are follower spirit shards, which include all the former leaders of Earth, who are temporarily transformed into this shapeshifting spirit shard state. Millions of these shards revolve around the Exhaust Crown, which is the hundreds of kilometers long jet of plasma coming out of their head, the plasma exhaust of their wormhole creation systems.
Anjrose’s augmented reality loadout reads,“Systems Nominal.”“Engage.”The Wormhole Halo unravels around their head like a snake uncoiling, it bounds in front of them, recoiling into a single wormhole. Moving through, Anjrose teleports to the orbit of Venus, more than half of the planet has been converted to a malicious machine.
The wormhole starts growing to planetary proportions and plunges over Venus, teleporting Venus and Anjrose back to Stellara Mechana. They then quarantine Venus with a field made from their Exhaust Crown.
In the orbit of Venus, Anjrose grows their arm hundreds of kilometers at faster than light speeds using gravity drives created by spatial bending, instantly descending their arm to the surface to impale the planet.
The wormhole transforms back into a halo above Anjrose’s head, the halo then expands and travels downwards over the planet to change its surface. Once bored into Venus, the arm branches out to eventually pierce through every corrupted facet, transforming Venus to the service of life.
As Anjrose is descending to Venus with one arm changing the inside of the world and their Halo transforming its surface, they are intercepted by millions of hundred-meter tall, autonomous, regenerating Cybender war mechs, or Doomdams.
Anjrose grows eyelashes that, in a blink of an eye, lash off the appendages of thousands of Doomdams. A band is subsequently telekinetically formed from the dismembered limbs to play background music.
As Anjrose descends to Venus their other arm and wings fight the Doomdams. All while their halo expands to the circumference of the planet, then contracts back down to reach the other side. As the halo is moving across the planet it is destroying much of the autonomous military technology, save its most powerful elements, nearly wiping the planet clean of the specter of death.
The attacks of the Doomdams are thwarted through multiple contingencies. Anjrose’s external plating is made of neutron star core to give them incredible mass. The weight of a teaspoon of neutron star is equivalent to 27 Empire State Buildings, 10 million tons. Creating apocalyptic hand to hand combat when combined with faster than light speeds. Considering just standing next to the plating would pull someone in to make him a nanometer fraction thin layer around it.
Normally, making neutron star material so small would cause it to blow apart as it would lose the overwhelming gravity needed to hold it together; they counter this explosion with spatial bending and matter bending substituting for gravity, called force negation. Force negation is the use of bending to prevent damage to oneself or environment by preventing force from being transferred. Force negation is used for multiple solutions: preventing the neutron plating from destroying them and their surroundings, preventing damage caused by the extreme speeds at which they move, and preventing damage from all sources.
The severed mechanisms of the Doomdams rain around Anjrose’s Venusian landing. Anjrose cries a single tear of neutron star matter, moving their finger to their eye to catch the tear, then extending their arm to deliver it to the Doomdams. As the tear is floating away, the ground underneath the drop is ripping apart and being put back together, being pulled into the tear by its gravity, and then reverted back to its original state by the temporal bending of Anjrose.
The tear then stops and turns translucent for fractions upon fractions of a second. Loosing a rumble of thunder round the world. It has moved seven times the speed of light through the entirety of the remaining autonomous military of Venus, disabling and dismembering it and peeling off any remaining atmosphere from the planet.
Anjrose erupts the world with a spin, turning themselves and the Exhaust Crown into a global plasma hurricane to vacuum the obliterated military remnants of Venus. After encompassing the globe, the Exhaust Crown hurricane gets smaller and denser, eventually coming back around the planet to its original position above Anjrose as their crown. The second, final Exhaust Crown sweep of the surface of Venus following the halo sweep.
The halo starts rebounding back to Anjrose, bringing life and its supporting technology to the planet, greening and lighting it. Terraforming the war planet into life. Then returning to its position as a titanic halo around the Exhaust Crown.
Yet, the legions of bender-infused battle bots were merely the stewards of a much larger weapon. For the primary reason Anjrose selected to reclaim Venus first was to prevent the completion of Venus’s transformation into a planetary bending war machine. Planetary Autonomous Cybenders, called Geomechanicides. A planet that transforms into a giant humanoid robot, but with bending and faster than light movement.
Anjrose wormholed Venus away, quarantined the planet with a field made from the Exhaust Crown and transformed it back into life. However, Mars and Mercury have already been transformed into global death machines. Puzzlingly, the Earth and Moon remain intact.
After the completion of Anjrose's mission on Venus, they return to the Solar System in the orbit of Jupiter and are intercepted by the Geomechanicide fleet. The Geomechanicides technology and bending negates wormholes, and gravity and time disruption. Such defenses prevent Anjrose from using wormholes to rip the Geomechanicides to tatters and prevent internal and external spacetime fluctuations that would make them inoperable.